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Aspiring PPC Expert, Guy Behind , Writer at PPCorg

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    Some Fresh Ideas For A Fresh New Year!

    Some Fresh Ideas For A Fresh New Year!

    A new year means that we have resolutions to all be more successful with our online ventures, right?!  Check out some of these ideas we have been mulling over for PPC. First, we are definitely a fan of the huge trend toward Product Listing Ads, and mostly because we are seeing large revenues from this in general.  There is definitely a learning curve with ...

    Site Speed For PPC Is A Bigger Deal Than You Think…

    Site Speed For PPC Is A Bigger Deal Than You Think…

    Hey everybody, its time to get on the horse here with another holiday blog post about how we can make you all some more money and find all the success, supermodels, fast cars, big mansions, etc, that you could ever dream of with PPC and such.  Ok, ok, I may be overreaching here, but we definitely want to remind you of some ways that you can increase ...

    All The Stuff You Forget To Do…..And STILL Forget.

    All The Stuff You Forget To Do…..And STILL Forget.

    Ok, so I write an article all the time with randoms tips and do’s and don’ts in your work.   I typically do my best to bring all of the tips to you that we forget about all the time, and not the ones that we hear about all over the place. Don’t ditch your Lag Conversion Attribution Model. So maybe it takes your customers 5 minutes to get ...

    Don’t Expect To Ignore A Sticking Point Away, People.

    Don’t Expect To Ignore A Sticking Point Away, People.

    So you have a sticking point, do you?  You have something on a deal that may kill it, or is likely to kill it?  Something that perhaps drives customers away after they have already considered your offer?  Well guess what guys and girls…..if you ignore it, it won’t magically disappear.  Now for those of you in sales person to person, you ...

    Easy Ways To Increase Conversions!

    Easy Ways To Increase Conversions!

    Let’s all take a little while to learn why it’s important to keep your call to action strong and your contact form EASY.  All the time I am seeing landing pages with a terrible lack of emphasis on contact forms being easy and call to action’s being direct. Contact forms’ are usually your key to encourage people to submit their ...

    Clickthrough Stuff For Everyone!

    Clickthrough Stuff For Everyone!

    So……you watch your clickthrough rate steadily increase over the last while, but your conversions are not going up.  Does not seem logical, does it? More clicks should mean more conversions, right?  You have probably already figured this out, but your account metrics do not follow a domino effect.  In fact, seeing improvement in one small area ...

    Mobile PPC Tips For You Mobile Guys and Gals…

    Mobile PPC Tips For You Mobile Guys and Gals…

    With the onset of smartphones and high speed internet, mobile marketing is the new buzz in the internet marketing arena. Mobile PPC marketing is a relatively new marketing method which is expected to provide higher search revenue in the coming years. If you are interested in harnessing better search revenue through mobile PPC marketing techniques, read ...

    How to make money and be cheap….at the same time!

    How to make money and be cheap….at the same time!

    Lets all take a look at some of the highlight on managing accounts with small budgets, shall we? We are all trying to save money, right?  There are a few simple suggestion that can make a small budget perform great, every month.   The first things we need to keep in mind to make PPC work with a small budget, are these:   Pause all your ...

    What Do You Want, Facebook Or Google?

    What Do You Want, Facebook Or Google?

    We have all tried all the different Ad Platforms to see which one works better, right?  If not, shame on you!  Ok, ok, just kidding.  I have seen quite a few people with lot of hesitancy to get into the Facebook Ads.  For some reason, even though everyone seems to have a Facebook, the basic perception is that only a bunch of teenagers and drunk college ...

    Science and Art Behind Managing Successful Campains: Part 2

    Science and Art Behind Managing Successful Campains: Part 2

    Here we are at part 2 of our managing successful campaigns series,  and we are to my favorite part already.  I just read a good book by the name of “Affiliate Millions,” and after reading it, there was one part that was extremely clear, and that would be that for success we MUST know how to write a good ad.  Copywriting, and GOOD copywriting ...