With the onset of smartphones and high speed internet, mobile marketing is the new buzz in the internet marketing arena. Mobile PPC marketing is a relatively new marketing method which is expected to provide higher search revenue in the coming years. If you are interested in harnessing better search revenue through mobile PPC marketing techniques, read through the following tips:

• Fragment Your Desktop And Mobile Traffic

Do not have any campaign that targets all devices simultaneously. It is, in fact, a better idea to have different AdWords campaigns exclusively targeting mobile, desktop and tablet devices. This is the most significant requirement for mobile PPC marketing.

 Understand The Objective Of Mobile Searchers And Thereby Choose Right Keywords

There’s a huge difference between knowledge and objectives of desktop searchers and mobile searchers.  For example, a mobile searcher, searching for ‘bluetooth’, may have a different objective than a desktop searcher searching for the same keyword. While the mobile searcher would like to know about the advanced Bluetooth headsets or might want to download some application related to Bluetooth, a desktop searcher would just like to know about the functions and benefits of Bluetooth headsets.   Therefore, it is important to be very selective while choosing the keywords for mobile PPC marketing. This will help in getting the right landing pages where you’d like to divert the traffic to. The process might take longer or might seem difficult, but it’s worth it as it will ultimately help in achieving better search revenue for mobile marketing.   If you still do not know how to select the correct keywords for your mobile marketing campaign, you can adopt this method. Create a spreadsheet. In the first column, write desktop/ mobile. In the second column, write the keywords you want to have. Concentrate on each keyword and compare the intentions, awareness and knowledge of your mobile and desktop target groups. Then, select if a particular keyword is better suited for desktop or mobile marketing.

• Optimize Mobile Landing Pages

After creating a landing page compatible with mobile devices, if you think you’re done, then you are wrong! You have to ensure it is rightly optimized as per the mobile searchers’ needs. This involves including easily clickable buttons (with finger/thumb) on the page. This also includes ensuring the email addresses, URLs and phone numbers mentioned on the website are clickable.

Following the above mentioned tips, you can have a higher ROI from your mobile PPC marketing campaign.

Aspiring PPC Expert, Guy Behind , Writer at PPCorg

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