To build a successful online business, you need to pick a reliable web host. A good web host will ensure that your site is up and running at all times. It will make it easier for you to incorporate new software. It will also help you protect your website from malware, viruses and spam. Thus, ensuring better site performance, which, in turn, will garner you more traffic leading to a higher conversion.
However, selecting a web hosting service provider can be a challenge. Why? Because of the simple reason that there are numerous hosting providers available, each offering a wide range of hosting options along with an array of features and benefits. In this scenario, it becomes tough to pick and choose the best from the lot, which invariably leads to many picking the wrong web hosting for their business.
As such, while one way of avoiding this mistake is to research enough and read different hosting reviews before making a purchase, another simpler way that can help you pick the right web host is the below warning signs hosting infographic.
However, before we look at the infographic, here are the Top 5 signs that will help you identify a low-quality web host.
1. Frequent Unplanned Downtime
One of the major signs of a sub-standard web host is too much downtime. Downtime affects not only your site’s conversion rate but it also makes your brand look unprofessional leading to the decrease in customer trust. While almost all web host promises a 100% uptime, in reality, this number is very difficult to maintain. Thus, while a 99% uptime is acceptable in most cases, anything lower than this is a clear indication of a poor web host.
2. Sluggish Website Speed
Google considers page speed as an important ranking factor. As such, a slow website speed can hurt not only your site’s ranking but it can also get your site penalized. While there are many reasons for a slow website page speed and load time, one of the reasons might be a low-quality web host. A poor hosting provider, more often than not, overloads its servers with multiple websites which could affect your site’s speed. Thus, it is another warning sign that you need to pay heed to in order to steer clear of SEO issues such as a higher bounce rate and a low click-through-rate.
3. Poor Customer Support
A web hosting is only as good as the support it provides to its customers. Long response times, unprofessional interactions, lack of experience technical support are a few signs of an unreliable web host. Therefore, if you have experienced this sort of service from your current web host company then it is high time that you look elsewhere, as without proper support it would be difficult to manage your online business effectively in the future.
4. Inadequate Security and Backup Features
Basic website security features like spam control, virus and malware scanning are a part of the web hosting packages offered by many reliable web host. Without proper security, your site would be an open field for hackers and spammers, which could invariably affect your site’s credibility. Thus, this is yet another sign that signals you have chosen a wrong web host.
Likewise, most web hosting companies offer backup features, which makes it easier for you to restore your site in the event it gets hacked or if there is a server failure. As such, if your web host doesn’t offer this feature then moving on to another host is important if you don’t want to jeopardize all your hard work and money that you have invested in your business.
5. Lack of Essential Features
Essential features include different programming languages, add-on domains, SSL certificate, SiteLock, CodeGuard and others. These features are important if you want to grow your online business and as such, if your web host doesn’t offer these then there is no other option than switching to another hosting provider.
These were just a few of the warning signs, however, there are plenty of others that you need to be aware of. Thus, go ahead and check out the below-mentioned infographic to know what these are.
The infographic covers the 21 warning signs of a low-quality web host. These signs will help you steer clear of poor web host and will also aid businesses to discern whether or not they have chosen a wrong hosting provider. Moreover, the web hosting features mentioned here can also be used as a checklist of things to look for when buying a new host for your website.
Therefore, take a look at this infographic to more about web hosting warning signs. Also, you can download the PDF or print this infographic for free and keep it handy for future reference.
21 Warnings That Indicate It’s Time to (Switch) Your Web Hosting Right Away[Infographic] by the team at
Sudhir Bhushan
Sudhir Bhushan is a Tech & Social enthusiast. He is also a Web Entrepreneur by Profession and loves to write about latest trends on Social Media & SEO.
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