Remember the last time you wrote a really great blog post and were so anxious to get it live that you just went ahead clicked the Publish button? It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but did you ever stop to think that some hours of the day and different days of the week actually perform better with readers than others?
Actually, it makes a lot of sense. Most people are browsing the internet from their work, so publishing a post after work hours probably isn’t a good idea. Another thought is that weekends are slow because more people are home and out with families. Then you always have Mondays, which is when people are loaded up for work from the weeknd, and Fridays when no one wants to work on anything at all.
The best way to put all of these ideas to rest, is to check out the excellent infographic below from, which covers the topic “When Should I Post This?“.
When is the best time to post a tweet?
– Post early in the afternoon Monday through Thursday, around 1-3 pm is best.
When is the best time to post content on Facebook?
– It seems that Wednesday at 3 pm is the time for the absolute highest average click through rates. Any types of posts made on Facebook during mid week and between 1-4 pm usually have high click results as well.
So next time you write that killer post and publish it early in the morning or at late at night, be sure to follow up with another update on Facebook and Twitter during peak hours to send people back to your site.
Special thanks to for creating the infographic above.
Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on
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