Running or creating a Facebook ad is quite different from making a random post on your Facebook page. While creating a Facebook ad, the words you use and many other things go a long way in determining the level of traffic you will drive to your website.

Facebook ads are messages that business owners pay for so they can be posted on Facebook. As a business owner, you can use Facebook ads to target a certain age group, gender, or demographic.

It is pertinent that you are well informed on how to run Facebook ads before trying it out. Below are 6 things you should know before running a Facebook ad in 2021.

  1. Know who your audience is

Before you try creating the content and budget to run a Facebook ad, you must find out who your target audience is. Your target audience is the individuals that will be more interested in becoming your customers. Facebook has excellent audience targeting options that you can use to control the set of people that will see your ads. The three audience selection tools for smart ad targeting when running Facebook ads are:

  • Core audiences: These are the set of people who don’t know about your product or services yet.


  • Custom audiences: These are the set of people that have already shown interest in your offers. You can build a solid relationship with them to convince them to patronize you.


  • Lookalike audiences: It helps you reach people that are similar to your existing clients. These are the people that will most likely be interested in the products or services you are providing.


  1. Select the correct kind of Facebook ad

There are different kinds of Facebook ads and if you want to attract the right audience for your business, you should know which is best for you. Here are some of the types of Facebook ads you can begin with.

Dynamic Facebook ads

The beautiful thing about this ad is that it positions products in the faces of people who have initially indicated an interest in them. But for you to run this ad, you will need to create a Business Manager account, install the Facebook pixel,  upload your product catalog and create your campaign.

Image ads

These ads are best for business owners who want to display their products to prospective clients. They are fast and easy to create–all you need is a great share message and a high-quality visual. Ensure that the text overlay you want to add to the image doesn’t cover twenty percent of the image because if it does, only a few people will view your ad or your ad may not be created at all.

Carousel ads

These ads are good for business owners that want their audience to see the different products they sell or the different benefits of a product. You can include ten videos or photos in a carousel ad.

Video ads

These ads are best for business owners that want their audience to see their products in action. They can be created in Stories and News Feed.

  1. Take advantage of Facebook automatic placements

Their different places where Facebook can place your carefully created Facebook ads–they could place them on Facebook Stories or Facebook News Feed. When creating your ad, select the Automatic Placements option and watch Facebook display your ads on the placements where your ads are most likely to do well.

  1. You should have a Facebook ad budget

Usually, Facebook ads prices are within the range of 0.50 to 2.00 dollars per click. The cost of Facebook ads is based on your campaign objective, the industry you want to advertise to, and other things.

   5. Create good ads that lead to an excellent website

After creating good ads, ensure that it leads your audience to an excellent website. Ensure your audience has a great first impression of your landing page. Your website should have a great UX, product display, copywriting, and your website should have an amazing mobile version. If your website is not attractive enough, you may likely record zero sales.

  1. Ensure you test several times

There is no harm in testing different ads to know which is best for you. Sometimes, carousel ads will work better than video ads or they may not. Evaluate the type of Facebook ads that yielded excellent results and find how to scale them to achieve better results at a minimum cost.


If you can take these tips we shared with you seriously, then you won’t make costly mistakes when running Facebook ads.

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