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Photo by Akil Mazumder from Pexels

With the increasing echo for SEO, it is a nice idea to understand the concept of seed keywords and how to build a list of keywords for organic ranking.

The process of keyword research could seem like an enormous task. You find it difficult to come with content ideas that will grant you an opportunity to build a list of keywords around the idea.

Things become easier if you know your seed keyword(s). Your seed keywords give you a baseline on where to launch your SEO campaign from.

However, while trying to build a seed keyword list, you must be wise not to aim for competitive seed keywords. A seed keyword with a lesser keyword difficulty will give you better chances of ranking on Google’s front page. This will limit your chances of gaining a good stand on SERPs or getting a high level of organic traffic.

Nevertheless, the benefits of seed keywords are not limited to their use in SEO. Seed Keywords gives you a clue into what your target audience is looking for and this will make it easier to build a list of keywords for your PPC ads campaign.

Here are three easy ways of spotting your seed keywords and building a list of keywords.

Three ways to create a list of seed keywords

1.      Observe the keywords and key phrases that you are ranking

Not all of your web pages will make it to Google’s front page. While you have the responsibility to develop a practical SEO strategy for your business, it is also important that you realize that Google reserves the right to decide which pages are relevant to your audience, according to your niche market.

Gather all keywords that tend to drive an appreciating volume of traffic to your website. Build your audience around those phrases and create your seed keyword list around these.

You can make use of keyword research tools and explorer to analyze the performance of your keywords. You can also make use of Google Analytics, and Search Console for real-time analysis of your keywords.

2.      Study the seed keywords of your competitors in the niche market

Discovering your seed keywords will pose a big challenge for new websites. This is because your website is still starting up and you haven’t ranked any keywords. In this scenario, you can study your competitors’ seed keywords and borrow some of their top-performing keywords.

This gives you a clear view of which keywords are driving traffic for them. You can build your list of seed keywords around this list and tap into their traffic flow.

3.      Google Related Searches and People Also Ask (PAA) section

These two methods do not only reveal seed keywords but also give you clues on searchers’ intent. To use the Google related searches and People also ask section to create your seed keyword list, you should do the following;

  1. Type the desired keyword that you want to rank in the search bar.
  2. Search and scroll down to the People Also Ask section and related searches. Gather a list of keywords listed there and build your seed keyword list around that.


Seed keywords benefits are numerous. Every business owner must learn how to find seed keywords. However, the more strategic your seed keyword list is the higher chances of hacking into organic traffic.


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