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In terms of SEO, content is key. However, an element of SEO that has been gaining more and more momentum over the last few years is page speed: how quickly does the website load. This is not only used as a tool by Google to affect the SEO of a page but will influence SEO through potentially negatively impacting the user experience. For example, if web users click onto your website from Google, and the website takes more than 3 seconds to load, there is a good chance they will click back onto SERP. If this happens, this sends a clear message to Google that your website did not help the web user, providing more emphasis to decrease the ranking of the site.

For these reasons, making sure your website is blazingly fast will not only help SEO but the general UX too. The problem lies with how to do this. For example, I alone, with some not bad experience into coding and web development, have spent thousands on improving the load time, with no real long-lasting effect! Be that as it may, there are three areas I always see that improves load time, which I will go into detail below.


Page Caching

What’s 456 x 17 x 199? If you work it out manually, it’s 1,633,392.

Now, what is 456 x 17 x 199? Without even doing the calculation, you will know the answer is 1,633,392 <– this is your brain ‘caching’.

Lots of a page of a website can be cached, saving the server the hassle and time of having to compute the page. This is especially applicable for pages with lots of static content. By enabling page caching, this will greatly reduce the load time of your site.


Content Delivery Network

If all your files that make up your website are on one server, where that server is located in the world will impact the load time for different users. For example, if your server is in the US, your site will be quicker for US traffic than, say, Australian traffic.

Content delivery networks store your static files on servers all over the world, so the web user always receives data from the closest CDN server to reduce load time.

It’s also a good idea to locate your server in the country that your website gets the most traffic from. Although CDNs can store static files, many cannot store dynamic content, which means this still has to come from the server directly.


Javascript Deferring

For a website to load, it’s mostly static content. The quicker the static content loads, the quicker the perceivable site loads. How long the site loads is the same, just that the static content takes priority.

This is especially useful to do with adverts, that can take quite a lot of juice to get them loaded. By deferring their loading, you can make sure adverts on your site do not impact the SEO, in terms of site speed, in any way.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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