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In the world of online marketing, you never know what is going to work and what doesn’t. With split testing being so important, it’s amazing how many people will settle for ad or two ad copies and leave it at that. You NEED to split test a bunch of ad copies. As pretty and professional as one design might be, an ugly ad copy that is make in Paint in 5 minutes may perform a million times better than the work your expensive and professional designer has created for you.

Below we have an excellent ad design cheat sheet that will give you a ton of inspiration on how you can create different ad variations for your ad copies. Whether you are doing pay per click marketing, Facebook Ads, Plenty of Fish marketing or any type of visual marketing online, you need to step up on your split testing and ad copy game!

Ad Design Tips - Infographic
AdChop – More Profitable Ad Campaigns

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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