PPC Tips Written by 0

If you have been in the PPC world for any amount of time, then you know as well as all of us that a MAIN key to success is your ability to write quality Ad Text.  You may have also noticed that writing the best ad text out there can be a bit daunting.  I have come up with a pretty decent guide or list to writing quality ads.

When you are coming up with something all the way from scratch, or you are re-writing an ad text, take a look at these checkpoints, and begin writing down answers to the questions listed:

1. Why would a searcher click on YOUR ad?

2. Are you meeting the searcher’s needs with your ad?(what they are searching for?)

3. What would it take for you to click on this ad, if typing in (certain) keywords?

4. Does your company currently offer any promotional offers?

5. What is the difference between your company and its competitors? Or benefits that you offer your clients that others may not?

6. What is the message you are trying to convey?

7. Are the keywords from your ad group incorporated into the ad?

Now that we have gone over all of these questions, write you ad text.  This will get you in the frame of mind to have a quality ad, and not leave any details out.  This produces an attention-getting ad text, with a great call to action.  Use the list below to double check if this ad will be successful.


1. Does the title have a difference from your competition?

2. Does the title have any of your keywords in it?

3. Is the title attention grabbing?


1. Does the description contain at least one keyword?

2. Does it answer the search question effectively?

3. Is there a call to action?

4. Is the description limited in any way?

5. Does it differ from your competitors?

I hope this list helps you out when you are writing ad text.  These basic guidelines for writing ads will increase your ROI and in the end, make you more successful.

Aspiring PPC Expert, Guy Behind , Writer at PPCorg

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