When it comes to running a wordpress blog or site, having control over all of your content and links is extremely important. Without the proper plugins, your links can become out of date and even link to sites that are no longer around. Another situation is that you have thousands of pages on your site, and you would like to create links on multiple pages for a specific term, but the idea of having to search through your wordpress posts and individually change each link, is simply a nightmare! There must be an easier way?Yes, there is, and it’s through the use of a new plugin from Jeremy Schoemaker, which is called the Content Link Manager WordPress Plugin. In short, one you download this free plugin, you will be able to search for a specific keyword or phrase that you would like to turn into an active link, and the plugin will show you all posts that contain that keyword. Instead of having to change each post individually, this plugin will do it for you in one click. It also has some great settings which allow you to choose which pages you want to add/remove posts on, as well as undoing any mass links that you may have already setup.
I’ve been using a redirect plugin called MBP Ninja Affiliate for a while now, but that plugin will cost you some money. This free plugin offered by ShoeMoney, will do the same for you, and all you need is to subscribe to his mailing list to instantly download the plugin.
Another feature of this plugin, is the ability to change existing links that are already setup on your blog. For example, let’s say that you have a site with a bunch of affiliate offers and you are linking to an offer from one network within a bunch of your posts. You then find out that another network is offering a higher payout. Using this plugin you can search for the phrase used in these links, then change them all over to a new url.
The amount of time this wordpress plugin will save you is phenomenal, especially because it is free. Click on the video screenshot below to visit the post that goes into detail on how the plugin words, and walks you through the process of installing and going live with new text links on your blog.
Download Content Link Manager WordPress Plugin
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