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In addition to being the largest online store for buying nearly anything, Amazon.com is also a marketers dream when it comes to finding out what products will be hot during the holiday season. Amazon basically does all of the work for you. You can break down any category on their web site, and the top selling items are already laid out for you. When it comes to mailings, Amazon even has that covered.

Take a look at one of the recent mailings from Amazon regarding their Black Friday promotions. Every year Black Friday is getting more and more exciting when it comes to online buying. While Amazon is covering a wide range of discounts and products, you can look through their mailings and site to see what products are expected to be the hot sellers, along with the steep discounts people are looking for.

In addition to Black Friday, Amazon will send out these same mailings for Cyber Monday, and all the way through Christmas with their top selling products.

Best Selling Products in Any Category

Talk about deep keyword reporting… you can choose one product on Amazon, then keep breaking it down further to find out what is selling, even in the smallest niches. In this example, let’s say you wanted to build a niche lotion web site or ad campaign. You start with the concept of “body lotion”, then look at “brand names”, then sort by “top products” in one brand (Aveeno). You now have a full assortment of rated and reviewed products from this one single brand and type of product. Try this break down for any product or niche!

Amazon Android App Store

With the release of the Kindle and their new Kindle Fire, Amazon is getting more digital and covering a wider range of products than ever before. In their newly launched Android App Store, they rank the top selling/downloaded Android Apps. While it is more specific, it is just another hardcore source for information, reviews and data when it comes to what customers are buying.

In the end, Amazon.com is one of the best places to find exciting new ways to study products, gather information and see what people are really buying. Before you start your next web site or ad campaign, be sure to search your product on Amazon and see where it’s currently ranking among sales and customer ratings.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at BloggingTips.com and ZacJohnson.com, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on Amazon.com.

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