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Google recently announced a new version of the search console. With new updates, the company made a hard decision to let go of some legacy features in the new version.  This drastic change of features and tools aimed at improving some of the popular properties the webmasters use.

Here are some new features in search console that roll in a couple of days before:

Performance and URL Inspection Tool

These tools are the recent addition to the Google search console. Search performance report aimed at providing more data in search analytics also enable year-over-year comparisons. Likely, URL inspection tool provides granular URL-level analysis.

How does it work?

In the performance report, you will have 16 months of data. Through this, you will be enabled to analyze long term trends easily. It also compared old search analyt犀利士
ics report plus provide clicks, impression, CTR, country, query, average rankings metrics of a page, and device level.

The URL inspection tool is more useful as it can stop Google’s crawling and indexing behavior from being as much of a black box. Plus it has the ability to test the live URL, detect page resources that couldn’t be loaded, see the rendered pages, and JavaScript errors.

Index Coverage Report

The coverage report under the index head gives you insight into indexing URLs from a website. It shows correctly indexed URLs, error reports, warning about potential issues, and all details report with status. The whole report built on Google’s new issue tracking functionality. It helps you by alerting when any issue detected and monitoring their fix.

How does it work?

On the very first number, there is an error report from which you can get all issues downside of stats. By clicking on any specific issue, you will land to the page details with a link to diagnostic tools that help to understands you the source of a problem. Here you can also fix the problem with the button provided “Validate Fix”.

You can also share report and error issues with the multiple team members with the “Share” button available on top of the right side. This will create a shareable link to the report. When the issues resolved you can easily disable sharing.


The indexing report works best for websites that submit sitemap files. These .xml files are a great way to let search engines know about updated as well as new URLs.

How does it work?

The sitemap is a set of .xml files that provide information about pages, videos, data on your site and relationship between them. Search engines thoroughly read these files to crawl your site effectively. In Google search console, once you submit your sitemap, you can use the sitemap filter over the index coverage data. This will enable you to focus on an exact list of URLs.


The Google search console also aimed to help you in checking your mobile usability by implementing search enhancements. This will provide you detailed report into specific errors, and warnings that search engines identified as their topics.

How does it work?

The mobile usability feature under enhancements head is taken from the search traffic of the older version. This is faster in the process of fixing an issue related to AMP by clicking on the button “Validate Fix”. If it is not fixed, Google immediately provides you a notification. Otherwise, you go ahead and reprocess the rest of affected pages.

Another feature provided is expanding “Validate Log” during the fixing process with a list of URLs identified as a fix. Similar to the coverage report, you can also share the link of enhancement report.

Wrapping Up

Are there tools like Google search console that would make your life as SEO easier? … The most promising activity that Google provides in these new features is asking for feedback. Providing constructive reviews in the feedback submit the form will ensure the team that they couldn’t lose any key part of the old version.

By shaping up the existing functionality of new features, Google search console make it comfortable for analytical researchers to work efficiently and give their users a bug-free website.

Jackson Edword is a professional writer and an SEO expert. He is working for a Web Design Los Angeles company and published several articles on the subject of Internet Marketing, Social Media and Web Development.

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