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If you were to talk about YouTube to the average person, they will probably agree with you and just say it’s a great place to go to watch videos online. To online marketers, we could blow our minds with the amount of information and stats that YouTube can provide us with. The sad thing is, even if you spent every second of your life watching videos on YouTube, you would never even scratch the surface of what’s actually viewable through the site.

The infographic below goes into some great detail and gives up a breakdown on the power of YouTube and what happened on the site just during 2011

I’ve also recapped the infographic highlights below.

  • Over 148 million YouTube users per month
  • There are over 8 years worth of video content uploaded to YouTube every day
  • People are watching YouTube on their computers, smartphone, tablets and even xbox
  • Every single day, over 8 billion videos are views through the site
  • YouTube has 148 million members… the closest competitors after that are Vimeo and Daily Motion, with only 9 million each

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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