The Comparative Analysis of the Two Great Blogging Arenas: Blogger’s Blogspot and Wordpess 12 Aug 2012
As internet marketing is brewing up, many people are getting attracted towards blogging. People of all ages are looking up for having their own blogs, as it has many benefits. If you check out recent trend in blogging, mostly attraction is towards problogger niche, where users can use their blogs to gain a sufficient traffic and adequate commercial returns for their business. If you are new to this blogging niche it is crucial for you to understand the basics of blogging platform. I’m sure that while researching about top notch blogging platforms’ you will get two prominent blogspot, for enrolling in. I don’t know exactly what will you choose but we can figure out features of top two blogging websites namely Blogger Blogspot and wordpress.
Blogger Blogspot: a great place to kick out the new ground.
Blogger blogspot is an easy approach for a newbie, who wants a direct, clean, and precise approach. It works with accelerated speed besides giving you a smooth blogging experience. Major cravings comes out with its freshly built layout making it work at click of the note and enables you to drag images, text and rearrange them the way you like. What makes blogger blogspot out of the box is you can design different colorful templates to makes your blog colorful. Beside this, after posting your blog on website you can also edit templates by using HTML link. To provide users a better option it has streaming templates and you can choose what you wish you to.
Although, a few things you must notice before making your blogging account on blogger BlogSpot. Users who are seeking a huge number of plugins, they might get a little disappointed, but that does not mean you cannot improve the layout of your blog. You can certainly give a new shape to your blog by adjusting the sidebar, footer and other parameters, which affects your website. However, to infuse advanced features and to customize your blog, you have to acquire some information about using HTML and coding knowledge.
Yet somewhere down the line blogger blogspot is a good source of commercial returns as it is integrated with Goggle Adsense. You can streamline your blog with contextual ads, which will ultimately monetize your blog besides giving some other great perks like acquiring traffic and much more. It efficiently puts a navigation box on the top of each blog and that’s make the other alluring feature about this website. But if you don’t wish to have a bar spoiling your page, you can do it by using manual HTML coding.
Don’t miss out the alert! You might have your blogging account, but whatever stuff you post on the Blogspot, it goes as a property of Google. So, make sure to avoid plagiarism, as it may block down your account permanently. Similarly users must concentrate on algorithms, because any spamming would put their future into the darkness. If you ask my opinion regarding Blogger blogspot then let me tell you it’s an excellent place to start your blogging career, but gradually you can also move to other sophisticated websites.
Word press: a better option for the problogger
People have various objectives in their mind when they think for starting up their own blog. A few people want to set up their blog just to share their opinion at social networking sites, while a group of them only want to focus on the problogging niche. If you are strolling on the website just to have fun, then it’s better for you to host your ideas on the free blogging platform. You can simply make an account on free web hosting sites like Blogger or tumblr. Alternatively people who are serious about their blogs and relates it to their profession must have your own blogging account as it provides freedom to control and mange one’s blog.
When it comes to wordpess it is a good option for probloggers. It caters a better variety of templates and plugins, and users can experiment with several new look to their website. Although wordpress has a paid services but it is cheap as far as the domain name and hosting is concerned. It is easy to use and faster to access.
Guest post by Vikram, he’s a professional blogger and offers various SEO services find more on
John Rampton
John Rampton is a PPC Entrepreneur, Author, Founder at Due a finance company helping small business owners. Follow me on Twitter @johnrampton
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