You hear it all the time… “split testing is important!” Yet many of us will be happy with throwing a landing page out there and if we see profits in the beginning we will just keep it as it.

The truth is split testing is the difference between being very successful with ad campaigns and those who jump around from campaign to campaign.

I recently did a post on the importance of using colors on landing pages and how much this can influence different emotions and colors.

This can clearly be seen when you look at case studies like the one below that shows a simple color change and how a submit buttons. Conversions will swing like crazy and if you aren’t split testing, you would never know!

Red vs Green Buttons

ConversionVoodoo are also experts at split testing and finding different ways to increase conversions. Here’s a breakdown of four different areas they look for when looking to improve numbers across the board.

  • Change “call-to-action” placement. For example, move your contact form around. This will help you understand what placement helps best with your conversions. Is it better for your landing page to have the contact form in the middle of the page, or on the side.

  • Change the copy. Using slightly different wording can make a big difference in how people perceive your company and your landing page. Consider your message and what your audience is expecting.

  • Change the offer. Are you able to change the price or offer extras? Consider free shipping, upsells, downsells, or different packages. You could be charging more for your product without it affecting your number of customers!

  • Change colors on the page. Different colors evoke different emotions. It may sound strange, but changing your color scheme can affect your conversion rate.

Make sure that you are always split testing your landing pages and ad copies for best results. Use the resources and examples above to find different areas that you can be playing around with color changes and better call to actions.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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