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I would not be wrong by saying that it is not only my observation regarding social media platforms worth working on and the growing importance of Pinterest. It joined in popularity to FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram earlier than you might have noticed while many marketing companies already include Pinterest promotion in the list of their SMM services. The Pinterest platform was launched back in 2010 as an alternative way of finding information presented in graphic way, primarily images, GIFs and short videos. So I would like to share my experience dealing with Pinterest.

So everything happens for a reason and I have to say this is proved to be true all the time, at least for me. We all grew yesterday in our FB Community! Tell me what you think in the comments after the post regarding the social media that worked best for you. But meanwhile, I have put together 5 major tips to grow your Pinterest popularity.

Pin Everyday

Pin everything everyday, okay maybe that’s a little excessive, but you should Pin every day. Follow the rule of thumb in copywriting as you do so and don’t be shy linking to authentic sources of info and latest news sites. Just like you post on your other social media outlets daily you also need to show Pinterest the same attention. If you write a post, don’t just schedule it on Facebook & Twitter, pin it to Pinterest at the same time. It really takes no time and there are two was you can do this. Also I’m working on learning a new scheduler that allows you to schedule Pinterest, so once I learn I will of course share with you all. Also do not only pin your pins and troll Pinterest and re-pin all your favorites, make sure you are pinning any articles you see on webpages or other blogs. This will add new pins to Pinterest and even though added from another site, it is added by you.

Organize your Pinterest Boards

Each month go in and straighten up your Pinterest Boards on your profile. It is important for your Pinterest boards to be kept up because everyone likes neat and organized (I like chaotic, j/k), but it is Important. Since we’re not just on Pinterest pinning ideas all day (anymore) and I have actually used Pinterest for my corporate blog and content brainstorming your blog boards should be at the top. Now keep in mind even though you may have a blog board for Christmas, it doesn’t need to be at the top during March, so keep the appropriate blog boards at the top. After you organize your blog boards at the top, put your other personal boards that you may have behind those. For example, You would have your Spring Boards after your blog boards currently and possibly even Spring Crafts, Gardening, Salads, etc.

Photos are IMPORTANT for Pinterest

We’re bloggers so good photos are already an important part of our life so this should be no surprise to you that you need good photos for Pinterest too. Pinterest likes vertical photos best. Make sure to have at least one of your blog for a great visual. The best photo dimensions for Pinterest are:

Profile Picture 600×600
Board Thumbnail 222×150
Pin Photo 600x Infinite

These are just recommended but keep in mind how important it is to have visual appealing photos that are the correct size and just draw your readers in. Last but absolutely not least, Make sure to include a watermark on your photos. This helps to keep your photos safe and helps you keep them from being stolen or used without your permission. Keep your watermarks small and I highly recommend you fade them into your picture. You can put this across your photo as long as it doesn’t distort the visual appeal of your photo. There is no right place in particular to put a watermark just make sure it’s included on your photo.

Add a “Pin it” Button / How to Pin from a website

It is important to have a “pin it” button on your site. This pin it button allows you and your readers to pin easily from your site. It literally takes 2 mins to pin it and type in your own caption. Here are the instructions for adding the Pint It button If you do not want a Pinterest button on your blog or on your browser than you have another option to pin from your blog and other sites. On Pinterest in the top right corner you will see a + sign, click this sign and choose add from website, here you will put a URL for the site you are wanting to pin from and select your picture. You then just have to add your caption and you are done.


Find others that have your same interests and follow them, share their content and like their stuff. They will take notice and chances are follow you too. If they are in your niche though this makes it even better because you can connect with another blogger and possibly in the future work together, blogging is all about building relationships and growing together. In all of your social media channels make sure to connect, like, and follow others.

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