Pay per click advertising is an extremely effective way to direct targeted traffic to a landing page, where they are likely to convert. Such an example where PPC is particularly effective is with online subscriptions and software. WordPress is one of, if not, the most used blogging platforms internationally due to its openness as a platform and the functionality it can offer website owners. For the same reasons, it can be a platform that is particularly prone to flaws in security. Looking to address this issue and follow a PPC campaign from start to finish, here is an analysis of a PPC campaign from Jetpack.
To view Jetpack’s PPC search advert, I had to type into Google search UK, ‘wordpress security’:Straight away, it is clear the competition for this search phrase is not as high as it could be, with only two adverts appearing above organic results. Either the cost per click Jetpack have adopted or the quality score of their advert is also not as good as plugin vulnerabilities’, causing their ranking to drop to second.
I can sympathize the lack of competition for such a search phrase. There are many plugins out there that do the job for free. Therefore, it can be difficult to get WordPress users to commit to paying a monthly subscription to a plugin, such as security, when there are many that do a good enough job for free.
Looking at the advert, this is an example of an advert where the title is of utmost importance. The title addresses the search phrase and, more importantly, contains the fact its official from WordPress – there is no need for Jetpack to oversell themselves as anything official from WordPress is generally a great addition to a WordPress website. The description is then three lines which outline the functionality there is with Jetpack. Such a technique of bombarding the description this way makes Jetpack look like a plugin that does everything a security plugin should need to do.
After clicking on the above advert, I came to the following landing page:As a landing page goes, this is an example of a hybrid between a click through and product/service page. I state this because, below the fold, there are snippets of reasons why Jetpack is a good security plugin. What Jetpack have done, cleverly, is add a call to action button (being the click through button), to every snippet so that the web user is always able to click through and convert by getting the plugin onto their WordPress website.
This means, no matter where the web user is on the landing page, and how far they have scrolled down the page, it is always possible for the web user to click onto the link to get Jetpack onto their WordPress website. This is an extremely effective technique, which has the catalyst of a very clean, minimalist landing page design, which will, no doubt, increase the click through rate of this landing page