Many web site and blog owners are using pay per click marketing to send unique visitors to their site, only to have them visit and quickly leave their site. This is often seen in the ecommerce and online shopping niche, where it’s easier to target customers based on the keywords and phrases they are searching for, but to get them to actually take action or share the page with their social friends is not an easy task. This is something that can greatly be improved by offering site visitors an incentive to share offers with their friends, while also providing them with an instant money saving coupon in the process. Zang, an interactive wordpress plugin that makes this process easy to accomplish.
The concept is simple… create a coupon or reward on your site, and your users get it after a social share.
OFFER – Offer a discount promo for sharing
SHARE – Your customers share your offer on Facebook
REWARD – Reward your fans with a promo code for sharing
For anyone who is already promoting their shopping sites through pay per click marketing or media buying, this would be a great option to split test against your regular order form pages. This plugin will improve your overall sales by not only providing a coupon code to increase conversions, but also expand your audience through the use of social sharing. You can see a demo version of the plugin in action here. To get a better understanding of how the plugin works, you can watch the short video below.
It’s quite a simple and effective business model… pay full price for an item, or share with your friends to get an instant coupon. If someone is going to make a purchase, why the heck wouldn’t they share it for an instant coupon. This is a win-win for both the customer and the site owner.
Experimenting Beyond the Sale
What if you don’t have an ecommerce site but would still like to use this snazzy little plugin? Have no fear! More options are here! How many times have you visit a blog or web site that is giving away a free book in exchange for an email address, or selling an ebook for $10? I’m sure you’ve seen these all over the place. Now change up the process and instead of collecting emails and trying to get people to pull out their credit cards to buy your ebook, how about a social share instead? Sharing something on Facebook only takes a person a few seconds… yet can be massive for the overall growth and success of your online business.
How Much Does the Zang WordPress Plugin Cost?
One of the great joys of WordPress is that they have thousands of plugins for you to choose from. Many are free, but the best ones will usually cost you a few dollars. Since Zang is more than just your average plugin, and is tracked through their site, you will have to setup an account with their service to run the social sharing plugin on your site. This isn’t your average plugin… it’s a full tracking and customizable platform. You can take a look at the breakdown below to see the different pricing plans and options available. I’ve been talking with the Zang team about some future plugins and improvements that they can make to cater to bloggers an non-ecommerce sites of all sizes. I’m excited to see what they have coming out in the next few months and definitely think it’s worth split testing their social sharing / discount plugin against any sales pages you might already have.