How many times have you logged into Aweber to manage your mailing list, and just couldn’t find a nice signup form that matched your site design? It happens all the time. So much so, that DIYThemes had a bunch of custom Aweber forms created, and now they are giving them away for free!
You can see an example of one of the free sign up forms below. To see the rest of the set and download the full package, click here.
Why are custom Aweber sign up forms important to have? Simply, they not only make your page look better, but they will also bring in more sign ups and higher conversions as they are clean and grab the readers attention. Through the use of mailing lists, many blogs and web sites are bringing back readers every day and also generating income through paid mailings to their list.
If you don’t currently have an Aweber mailing list, be sure to set one up today. It’s only $1 to start!