PPC Tips Written by 0

This two part article’s objective is to make clear that the definition of a conversion will vary depending on what type of pay per click Increase Your PPC Campaign's Conversionscampaign you have running. The type of PPC campaign you are running can be most distinguished through the type of your landing you adopt. Already in the part one to this two part article, I have looked at how you can improve your conversion rate when your landing page is a micro-site, homepage, click through page or lead capture page (taking into consideration that each landing page will want a different type of conversion. The second part to this two part article will look at the remaining types of landing pages and how to increase their respective conversion rates.



Product/Service Page

As it says in the name, a product or service page is a page on a website that is solely dedicated to the product or service. The benefits to this type of landing page is that you can keep the focus of the page entirely on your product/service (you are basically using a webpage to advertise your product/service).


There are a number of ways you can look to increase the conversion rate of a product or service page. However, we need to understand what some examples of a conversion might be for this landing page:

  • Brand Awareness – Some PPC advertisers objective may only to be to increase the publicity and awareness of their product or service.
  • Sales – This is the most common conversion for product and service landing pages.
  • Market Research – The PPC advertiser might be performing an experiment using Google Analytics to see if web users would be interested in their product before they release it for sale.

From this, you can improve your conversion rate a number of ways:

  • To improve brand awareness, make sure you are extremely clear in the product or service you are trying to promote. It is better to be safe than sorry. It is better to be simpler (which web users can understand more easily) than to have a complicated-to-read product/service page.
  • To improve sales, make your product desirable. Some web users won’t desire your product because they don’t know why it will be useful to them. Tell them why they need your product.
  • To improve market research, make sure you analyse every statistic Google Analytics offers.




An infomercial landing page is used to display as much information to a web user as possible without them clicking away (must like an advert on TV). For this reason, unfortunately, infomercial landing pages are often associated with spam claiming to make you $1,000/week with a few days etc. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot improve the conversions of this type of page. A typical conversion will involve the web user reading the whole of the webpage. The best way for this to happen is to entice the reader into carrying on reading. You can do this through believable incentives and through making sure the web user reads past half way. Once he has read half of the infomercial, there is no point (in his/her mind) to turn back and exit the infomercial page – s/he might as well carry on reading till the end.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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