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The vast majority of websites out there concentrate their efforts on bringing traffic to it. However, what is the point of doing this if the traffic is going to leave the page straight and not explore any other pages on your website? The pageviews per visitors it an extremely important statistic that many people overlook. It is a far more efficient way to increase the pageviews of a website to increase the pageviews per visitor than to look to increase your traffic entering. For this reason, here are some ways you can increase the pageviews per visitor of a website.


Use a Friendly UI Theme

First impressions are everything for websites. if web users land onto your website and are immediately confused or dislike the general theme, there is a strong possibility you won’t get any more clicks from them onto internal links, let alone reading the content.

The theme should be simple and elegant, whilst containing the necessary amount of content needed on the page. Depending on the type of website you have depends on how many links you should place in the content, and around the content (such as the sidebar and navigation menu).


Break Up Content as Much as Possible

It is true to say that the majority of web users are seriously turned off by reading long and small font content. It immediately tells the web user ‘this is going to take a while to read’. By using large font for the content, and breaking up the content using headings, bullet points and quotation comments, the web user is more likely to read all of the content, increasing the chance of a click onto another page on your website.

It will also encourage the web user to read to the end of the content, which is generally a great area to gain extra clicks (since the content has finished and the web user does not know what to do next, hence why native advertising at the end of articles work particularly effective).


Add Internal Links

If you were to take something away from this article, it would be this point. It seems obvious to include internal links on your website. But, really, there are a lot of websites that simply forget to do this, or not do it enough. Make sure you have internal links (at least 1-3 links) always visible on your website no matter how far the web user scrolls down the web page.

On top of this, the ratio of internal/external links should be healthy too. Having too many external links will cause your pageviews per visitor to drop, since web users are clicking off your website. For this reason, a ratio of 1:1 is something to go by for internal to external links on a web page.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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