The value of SEO cannot be overemphasized when seeking to expand a brand. Finding clients becomes impossible if people are unable to locate a business, especially as e-commerce continues to become an irresistible force.


A novice business owner may be tempted to rely on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to accelerate brand exposure to see quick results. For a brand to succeed, it is important to strike the perfect balance between PPC advertising and organic marketing.

I’ve outlined some strategies for finding the ideal equilibrium between organic marketing and PPC promotion so that any business owner may properly raise brand awareness.

1.   First, completely optimize your website

Having a properly responsive website is crucial for brand success before concentrating on sponsored or organic searches. The chance of securing a sale might significantly decrease if a potential consumer has a miserable time using the site. A website’s logistics, including any broken links, load times, and the number of simultaneous visitors that can be accommodated, should be carefully examined. A website shouldn’t be too optimized or contain too many keywords. To prevent them from having a negative SEO impact, keywords should be used in a subtle way so that it won’t be noticed by a visitor.

2.   Rely on PPC while you wait for improvements in organic SEO

While it would be wonderful to eventually be able to rely largely or entirely on organic marketing to increase brand awareness, doing so at first is practically impossible. PPC advertising has always been suggested to be utilized while a company waits for organic SEO improvement to take hold. The intention is to increase a company’s SEO value while initially employing PPC. Remember that this is not a license to ignore organic marketing. Results from PPC advertising should eventually be used to direct efforts in organic marketing.

3.   Try different brand-related keywords

Once a business is in a favorable position, experimenting can become the focus of its PPC advertising approach. The associated PPC advertising budget can be reassigned to try new keywords as organic brand-related phrases appear, expanding the brand’s overall reach. A company must continually research and update its chosen keywords for organic SEO optimization to increase SEO value. As previously indicated, organic marketing planning should consider PPC advertising outcomes.

4.   Pay attention to both long-tail and short-tail keywords

A search phrase with one to three words that covers a broad topic is known as a “short-tail keyword” or “head term.” Long-tail keywords are still important because users are more inclined to be closer to a point of purchase when people search them although they usually have a higher search volume. Landing on the first page of results for short-tail keywords is practically impossible because of the sheer number of results. In contrast to “how to shine my shoes,” which is 3 to 5 words long and more focused on a particular topic, a search for “shoe shiner” would be a short-tail keyword. Naturally, short-tail keywords will get more searches, but achieving high rankings for long-tail keywords will give a brand a significant edge over rivals in the same sector.

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