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With so much talk about the recent changes in Google and how they are actively taking down link building networks such as BuildMyRank, more attention is being given to the new and advance link building systems such as Link Authority. While the concept may be the same, there are actually a lot of differences between how Link Authority and BuildMyRank works.
When it comes to the differences between Link Authority and other content and link building services, Link Authority likes to think they stand out from the crowd since they are accepting sites with a minimum Page Rank of 2 into their network of sites. Also, it’s not that easy to get accepted as a network site, as each sites goes through a thorough manually approval process. In addition to accepting member sites into their network, they also have a massive amount of their own PR ranked web sites and blogs.
Another key factor that makes Link Authority different from other link building services out there, is that it’s free! There is a paid option if you don’t want to contribute a blog or web site to their network of sites, which will end up costing around .30 per article / content submission.
To read more on Link Authority, be sure to read our Link Authority Review post, and be sure to sign up for a free account at their site.
Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on
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