For those of you who are familiar with buying and selling web sites, you will probably already know about Flippa. For anyone who doesn’t, they are basically the go to place for buying and selling web sites. I’ve personally bought and sold over six figures worth of web sites through their marketplace.
One of the most annoying features on their site is that you always had to place a bid whenever you were outbid on their site. Basically, they weren’t like eBay where you could bid a high amount and continually stay the top bidder til someone else came along and outbid you. Finally that system is now in place!
Some people might be concerned about the change and how it affects future bidding and listings on Flippa. In their recent mailing out to all members of their site, they covered this issue, which you can read up on below.
Say goodbye to the hours spent outbidding other interested buyers for a great website. With maximum bidding, the auction is won by the approved buyer who is willing to bid the highest, not by the one who is able to stay up the longest.
When placing a bid, you’ll be asked for your maximum bid. This is the highest amount you’re willing to pay for this website or domain, though you may end up paying much less.
Each time a new bidder places a bid, we will automatically increase your bid by a minimum increment in order to beat all other bids until your maximum is reached.
In other words, we will always place the bid that keeps you in the lead, while still giving you full control over the maximum you’re willing to spend.
You can read the full article on their web site.
If you would like to learn more about buying and selling web sites on Flippa and how you can start creating mini sites of your own to eventually sell on Flippa, be sure to check out my guide at “Flip This Web Site“.
Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on
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