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Double Your Website Visitors (Without Blowing Your Budget)Yes, you read that right. You will double your website visitors this month if you understand one word: reciprocity.

“OMG Adam, what does word even mean?!”

Reciprocity is just a simple term for doing a good deed for someone else and having equivalent deeds coming back to you. In other words, if you apply the techniques I’m about to show you, you’ll have more visitors coming to your website.

  • Blog Commenting
  • Getting Social

Before we begin, understand that this concept is very hard for beginners to grasp. Reason being? They don’t want to put in the hard work and don’t want to build up someone else’s blog. Poor mindset.

Blog Commenting: We’ve been beat over the head a million times with this strategy, but some of you are asking, “Does it really work?”. Every time I head on over to a post and comment, two things happen: the owner of the blog comments on my site & I steal traffic from his site. How would you like to get more comments? How about stealing or gaining new readers?

Now, there are a few things you should know about this strategy. First, make sure you’ve set up your free Gravatar account; that way your branded picture shows up next to your comment. Second, make sure you carefully select the website you insert into the comment.

Sometimes the owner won’t actually visit your site and comment. This is where you contact him or her and say, “Hey, I commented on your site. Mind commenting on mine? quid pro quo”. Works every time, like magic.  You’ll get even more traffic if you follow the tweets and emails of bloggers when they publish new posts. Because you can then be the first one to post a comment. Lastly, you need make comments that are valuable and actually seem like you read the blogger’s post.

Getting Social: This is a similar strategy, because you’re building up someone else. Initially, every blogger gets discouraged when they see 0 comments, 0 likes, and 0 shares. Nothing bolsters a blogger’s self esteem and confidence than when they receive a share from someone who read their post. Again, if you’re willing to help a blogger out with promotion, the odds that they promote yours increase dramatically. So, get out there and give a little love to the bloggers you read every day.

I promise that if you get out there and comment on other blogs and get social, you’ll see your website visitors double. And the best part of all this, it didn’t cost ya any money. Just some ol’ fashioned elbow grease.

Leave a comment below if this helped ya.

Adam Morgan is a PPC expert, entrepreneur, blogger, and amiable guy. Follow me on twitter @smorgs13.

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