PPC Tips Written by 0

It can be seen by many advertisers that the title of a pay per click advertising search advert is one of the most Creating a Great Title For a PPC Search Advertimportant elements of the whole campaign (you would not have thought it)! This is because it is the first part fo the whole PPC campaign that interacts with the web user. Therefore, a bad title to a search advert will have lost the attention of contextual traffic already, which really is not what us advertisers want. For this reason, here are a few optimization tips you can choose to include in the title of your search advert to make sure it grabs the web user’s attention and keeps it for the whole time they interact with your campaign.



#1 Limit the Length of a Title to 30 Characters

This is only a rough estimation as some titles may require the title to be longer at 50+ characters or more. However, we need to remember what the title is for. It’s aim is to simply grab the web user’s attention. Once the web user’s attention is grabbed, the description fills in the blanks and expands on where the title left off. Therefore, we do not need to bombard the title with content. This is why 30 characters or less often does better than 30+ characters as it is much easier to read for the web user.



 #2 Include Your Domain

A great tip any advertiser can use is to include the URL of the domain name in the title of the advert. This is extremely effective for the following reasons:

  • If the web user does not decide to click onto your advert, the chances are that they would have still read the title of the advert. If the title includes your domain name in it, you are giving web users the opportunity to remember the domain name so they can choose to go directly to your website later on, which, for you, is free contextual traffic.
  • Including the domain name in your title increases general brand awareness for it too. A good domain name can also increase the brand quality of your advert. For example, someone is more likely to click onto an advert with ‘Apple.com’ in it than one without.

To make sure you include your domain name in a efficient way into the title of your advert, make sure to remove http:// or www. from the start of it. It is also better to stick it at the end of the title rather than the start.



#3 Include a Call to Action

It is good to include 1-2 call to actions in your advert. For most, this will be in the description. However, it works just as well to stick a call to action in your title, since this will induce an action from the web user as soon as they lay eye onto your search advert. My only point on this is to make sure you stick to the upper limit of 2 call to actions in an search advert. Having too many and it can clutter the advert and make it confusing to read for the web user.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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