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Content creation is not enough for you to get noticed out there. Many people are also writing and observing all the content creation techniques and maybe writing at a higher frequency than you.

Frankly speaking, I don’t think my writing efforts lie in the range of standing out from the crowd, but I think that I have an intelligent approach over collaboration of ideas and topics over my subject areas.

Perhaps, somewhere, we all need these tactics to stand out promptly.

Allow me to offer you this scenario to present my idea more clearly…

For example, say there is a singing competition in your area, but not all people are allowed to audition due to quantity concerns. A few will be picked randomly from the crowd to perform.

How do you ensure you get picked? Well, you might get a bit closer to the person selecting the performers. This, however, is not enough because there are still many others in front of you. Shout, remove your top and/or wave to catch their attention, and this may just work with a little bit of luck.

While the above might get some attention, let’s discuss the strategies that are practically guaranteed to help your content stand out.

Understand and know your ‘thing’

This component is entirely up to you, as your strengths are known to no one else.

Be creative and create content on what you have a passion for, because at the end of the day, creating enticing and interactive content is key. If you settle on a topic that you don’t have an interest in, be sure the content you create might be boring to your readers because you don’t know what they want. It can also be boring for you.

How do you find your thing?

  • Find a niche that you comfortable writing about.
  • Write about the current and relevant events on your niche.
  • Try to use images and videos to create a visual picture of what your content is about.
  • Create a persona that your readers can relate to.

Write Differently

Are you just any other writer? Because if you are, you need to step up and write more efficiently and boldly. Many are capable of writing, but just a few can write differently. Creating content that is memorable to your readers requires hard work and focus.

What do you need to do?

  • Go controversial: When someone writes something on your niche that you don’t agree on, write about it airing your view on the matter.
  • Stay updated: Always update your readers if some development has been made. For instance, in my WP field, I have written about plugins and themes which are consistently updated, I have to go back and inform my readers on the changes that have been made.
  • Be Honest: Write about your struggle and efforts to get where you are. It helps and brings you closer to your readers because they can relate to you.
  • New and flavor: Write about new ideas, analogies or even theories. All these create a new angle of controversy that allows engagement with your readers. Try as much as possible to add flavor to your content with writing skills.

Create Differently

Consistent content creation is another area that makes you stand out. Depending on the method you use to get yourself out there, be it by videos, eBooks, and presentations and so on.

For an instant, how do you stand out in video creation?

  • Create a video on a topic that has not been covered much by those on your niche.
  • Take time scripting what you will speak on the video. And try to speak a bit slower than usual.
  • Avoid as much as possible umming and ahhing during the video recording.

Attitude Approach

Have the right attitude when you creating content for your blog.

That being said, I am done for the day. Guys, lets try to practice these few strategies and see if we really can stand out from the crowd.

Do you have any suggestions? Well, why don’t you leave them in the comment box below?

Bethany Wood is an experienced PPC marketer and blogger at Profit Parrot Marketing and SEO. She works to expand website traffic and organic leads. Outreach campaigns and Adwords optimization are her specialized areas.

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