Bulk PageRank Checker 21 Mar 2012

Blogging Written by 4

The Page Rank of a web site is extremely important. Not only is a great way to measure how much of an authority a web site it, but it also measures the content and age of a web site. The higher the Page Rank of a page the better, and while most people will usually never see a Page Rank 5 or 6, anything above Page Rank 7 and you are considered a webmaster or SEO God!

With all of that said, it’s always important to check the Page Rank of your web sites. If you have a large portfolio of domains you may already know how much of a pain it can be to perform a Page Rank check on each of your domains one at a time. For times like these it’s best to use a bulk Page Rank checker.

If you perform a search for “bulk page rank checker”, you will find a lot of results, but many of them will either not work or be very annoying with CAPTCHA codes or require to you sign up for an account of some type.

One of my favorite and most preferred sites from running a quick bulk page rank check is http://checkbulkpagerank.com/. As you can see in the screenshot below, they have an extremely clean and effective design. Just copy and paste your list of domain names into the “Bulk Page Rank Checker” box and then click submit. The process will take a couple minutes but it sure beats manually checking domains one at a time!

The next time you are looking for excitement and want to see if any domains or web sites in your portfolio have jumped around in the latest Page Rank update, be sure to use CheckBulkPageRank.com for a quick and easy report without the hassle of CAPTCHA codes and membership signups.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at BloggingTips.com and ZacJohnson.com, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on Amazon.com.

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