Bing Ads Written by 0

Everyone likes a nice clean search design and layout… after all, that is how Google has become so popular. Yet over the years Google has become more greedy and continues to place more sponsored ad spots through out their search pages. The Google results are actually quite crowded now, and compared to the recent changes of at Bing… now Google is looking really over crowded!

Below you will see a search of “PPC” using the latest Bing search results.

For an even more in depth comparison between the old Bing search results design and how they are looking much cleaner than the current Google search results, be sure to check out the full article at TechCrunch and the many screenshots and comparison charts they have.

As much as I would like to see Bing succeed and become the powerhouse they could be in the search area, I think way too many people are using Google as their default search and solution for many other components such as email and social use (gmail and G+). It will be tough for Bing to continue to gain ground, but it’s always nice to see the improvements and effort.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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