Holiday PPC Written by 0

It is under a month until Christmas with Black Friday and Cyber Monday just passing us. For this reason, I thought it would be a Best Landing Pages For a Christmas PPC Campaigngood idea to do some pay per click advertising articles based more around holiday PPC and the Christmas period. Like I have always said, I value the landing page one of, if not the, most important aspect of a PPC campaign. Think of a PPC campaign as a set of dominoes standing next to each other. To get the conversion from the web user, you need every domino to fall: the landing page is that ‘last domino’ that if it doesn’t fall, all that hard work getting the web user onto the landing page will be mostly for nothing.


Certain campaigns fit certain landing pages. However, does it differ when it comes to the Christmas period? Let’s take a look at the type of traffic Christmas induces:

  • The web user will be less price sensitive than the rest of the year since delivery times are everything: especially the closer we get to Christmas.
  • The traffic will be more than the rest of the year – this is the period when most businesses make most their money (even more reason to take advantage of it!
  • Competition will be fierce amongst competitors.

For me, this all says that an infomercial page will not work will during the holiday season since an infomercial works around the basis of ‘if you read half, you might as well read the second half’. Only problem with this is getting the traffic to read the first half – the attention span of traffic will at an all time low over Christmas since competition will be at its highest.


Just by looking at an infomercial, we can gather a few things that a landing page over Christmas needs (plus some extras). It needs to be:

  • Short and to the point so that it doesn’t take much effort in reading and doing stuff for the web user to gain you a conversion. Big buttons to click on on click through pages are good for this reason with fast loading times.
  • A Christmas themed landing will help in promoting Christmas which will inherently increase the conversion rate (if what you are using PPC for is selling some sort of service or product).
  • Mention shipping times! There is literally no point ordering something if it is not going to arrive by 24th December. For that matter, many shoppers are put off if the shipping times are getting close to the 24th. For this reason, if you have super fast dispatch and shipping times, show it off by telling the web user this on the landing page.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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