Social networks have become an essential element in any marketing campaign for everyone. Their versatility, simplicity and free nature make them the perfect tools to have a great reach and generate great results.
However, even today there are many typical errors that are seen in these platforms and you must avoid to succeed in your social networks.
There are many considerations when it comes to social networks.
Here are the 8 common mistakes you should avoid in your social media marketing strategy.
1. Do not take care of the spelling
When it comes to social networks, it is extremely important to give an impression of seriousness and always be professional. Not taking care of the spelling will do the opposite.
A profile that contains spelling and writing errors – especially if it’s a business – will almost totally reduce your credibility with your followers.
It is not necessary to be a student of letters and literature, but it is essential to consider the basic aspects of our language and maintain an impeccable writing.
2. Not having a plan
This, although it does not seem credible, is one of the most common errors in social networks.
Having a strategic plan for your social networks is not as complicated as it might seem. In this, simply, you must establish what are the goals you are proposing, how many publications will be made, to what audience will be directed each campaign, among other aspects.
3. Treat all networks equally
Once you have determined which social networks you will use in your plan, you should understand that each one works in different ways.
Depending on the platform you’re working on, you should understand what kind of content works best. Also, you will have to know the predominant characteristics of the users in each one.
Each social network, in addition, needs a different publication frequency. For example, publishing several times a day on your Twitter account is totally acceptable and necessary, because it is a much more dynamic social network.
On the other hand, on Facebook and Instagram it is much more opportune to publish a few times a day. These two platforms work under algorithms that can detect an account with many daily publications as spam and this will not appear at the start of their followers.
There are many tricks and tips to understand how each social network works. However, the best way to understand them is by using them constantly and giving them the treatment that each one requires.
4. Publish at the wrong times
Another key factor that many people do not consider when publishing their content is the time they do it.
What good is doing great publications at times when nobody will see them?
That is why you should use tools that allow you to analyze the hours in which your followers are most active. Many social networks offer this analysis within their own statistics, but you can also use many other options that are found on the web.
5. Use incorrect image sizes
Remember when we mentioned that each social network works in different ways? Well, even when creating and publishing images you should consider this.
Each platform has specifications regarding the dimensions of images or videos that you should use in them. It’s a fatal mistake, for example, to use the same image you used for the Twitter header on Facebook. I would also suggest you to have a professional social media page design like facebook cover design, twitter header design or LinkedIn cover design to stay ahead of the competition.
6. Abuse the hashtags
How many times have you not come across publications that are more hashtags than useful content?
Yes, although it can be exciting and even attractive to use many labels, it is best to leave them for keywords that identify each publication.
7. Ignore statistics
A key point to be successful in social networks, but still many people leave it aside, are the statistics.
Whether with the integrated statistics of each social network or with external tools, it is important to follow them up to know more accurately if your content is achieving what you are looking for.
8. Be a robot and avoid interaction
While it is true that social networks, in this case, you are using to promote your business, you must always remember that these were created for human interaction.
Just thinking about selling, not responding to your followers, being cold and almost a machine is one of the most serious – but common – mistakes that are seen in social networks.
Publish content that not only has to do with your product, make contests, respond with kindness to your followers. You will see that this will give you much more authority in social networks and will bring many more benefits for your business.