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Microsoft PowerPoint is an application that has probably been used billions of times by different types of users across the world. Yet, the reality is only a handful of presentations made in the app stand out and catches your attention! It is not owing to any inherent flaw of the software. On the contrary, Microsoft keeps adding new features with each version release. The fact is most PowerPoint users lack skill in using the software features in the right manner-even though they know how to use the app. Sometimes, the inability to understand the viewer’s preferences also affects quality and result of the presentation.

Listed below are 7 handy tips which can be used to ensure your PPT presentations do not look dull or boring:

Using Text When It Is Required

The reason most PowerPoint templates and presentations end up looking dull and boring is the creators go overboard using various elements- especially text. They typically try to put in every idea coming to their mind and most of it is done through words. However, you need to remember that the presentations are being created for the viewers, not for your needs. An overabundance of text in the slides make the viewers feel like yawning! The bottom-line is-you should evade using a lot of text in a single slide.

Think Of Legibility And Aesthetics

You may use a lot of elements in the presentation including text, sound, videos, animations, etc. However, how you use them and what combination is used-can make it appealing or appalling! The color combination is something you need to pick wisely. Dark text usually looks good on lighter colored background but at times, you can do the opposite too-based on the topic or theme of the presentation. The font should be easily readable from a distance. Do not choose a fancy font that you like but which is bit difficult to read. The text should be kept aligned left to right for legibility, the center-aligned text is a tad harder to read.

Think Of Brand Image

It is necessary that your PowerPoint presentation-whether it is about the upcoming lineup of products or something else-reflects the brand image well. In case, you are unable to make a brandable presentation all by yourself, you can check out SlideModel that has probably the coolest collection of PPT templates in the market. Stick with the colors and fonts used in your brand’s logo and website-so that the viewers can relate to it at first sight. A little variation is still okay but the theme should look similar. If your brand caters to elderly people –using bright and loud colors in the slides is not a good idea. Similarly, using pastel or muted shades in presentation of a brand catering to the kids is not prudent.

Use Images In Right Way

Definitely, using images in the presentation makes them interesting but you need to keep a balance. Just like text, using excessive images can create visual clutter in the slides and that does not help in getting attention of the viewers. Using original high-resolution images is what you should opt for. Evade using the included clip art of PowerPoint. Your viewers have probably seen those numerous times.

Evade Distractions And Gimmicky Stuff

To make sure your PPT presentation is a hit with the target viewers, it is necessary to evade using elements that distract the attention of the viewers. This can happen when you overuse transitions and animations. Keep in mind that the viewers need to see the content and overusing animations and effects can make them distracted from the content.

Use White Space Properly

While there is no fixed norm, it is important to use white space in the slides. The text and images stand out when there is a certain amount of black or white space around-logically speaking. It is the antidote to visual clutter. Some of the successful PPT presentations make use of white space in the right ways. In some instances, minimalism can speak volumes and that is where white space comes into the picture.

Create A Template And Reuse It Carefully

If you need to use PPT quite a lot for work, it makes sense to create a template. The base template can be saved and you can tweak it later any time to create appealing presentations without beginning from scratch. This will also ensure that all your presentations have sconsistency.

Michael Evans is a passionate blogger and social media enthusiastic. You can connect with him at Google. He often contributes to 3Leaps Content Marketing Agency.

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