For the vast majority of websites out there, the number one way they will generate revenue from the 2 Adsense Tips To Increase Revenuetraffic they produce would be through the market leading PPC advertising publisher program: Google Adsense. I could honestly write a 10,000 word article which would highlight all of the numerous reasons why it is beneficial to choose Adsense to generate revenue for your website. But, I guess that can wait another day.

Google Adsense is only effective when used correctly and optimised in the right way for the right website. With this in mind, here are two tips anyone who uses Google Adsense can use to make sure they have maximised the potential of their publisher account to PPC.



#1 Use Responsive Adverts

By far the best tip to increase the overall performance of Adsense is to use responsive adverts.  A new addition to Adsense, responsive adverts looks at the allocated space they have been assigned to fill and change the size of the advert shown based on that space. This means that both mobile, tablet, and desktop devices can use the same advertising units and have adverts optimised for each screen size too.

There is a slight drawback with responsive adverts in the sense that you cannot specifically choose what advertising unit to show. For example, on one of my websites, I found a 336×280 advert to work very well below the title of posts. But, in using this, I am not optimised for mobile traffic (which is quite a considerable chunk of the overall traffic). So, if I used a responsive advert, it will mean I have optimised for mobile traffic. But, for desktop traffic, the responsive advert deems that a 468×60 advert is the best choice of size to go for. Obviously this is not going to perform as well as the 336×280 advert. With this in mind, it is a weighted decision on whether you should use responsive adverts or not. If you have a lot of mobile traffic and want an overall optimisation, they are the best way to go. However, if it seriously affects the performance of your desktop traffic because the responsive advert changed the size from what was previously being shown to have worked, then you might not want to use them. Either way, testing will tell you if you should use them or not.



#2 Allow 100,000 Impressions Before Blocking Ad Categories

The way Google Adsense allows users to block low performing categories that are taking ad impressions without converting them into revenue is extremely effective in improving the overall efficiency of their Adsense account. However, what I tend to find people do is block adverts way before they have a complete idea as to whether they should block the categories or not.

With this, I tend to go for a rule of not changing ad categories until I have achieved 100,000 ad impressions. This will provide accurate and enough data which will give the best idea as to what categories should and should not be blocked.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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