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Reputation management is all of the discussion lately. One of the biggest problems with ORM is that so many people think it is the same as SEO, when it’s really not the same at all.

Online reputation management is focused on search engine results and allowing organizations to have control over what shows up for their name in the search results, but there is really a lot more to ORM than just SEO.

For instance… reputation management is all about monitoring and tracking your mentions across the internet and major social networks, what people are saying about your brand and how you are going to react to these negative attacks and comments. These really have nothing to do with SEO at all!

The good news is that pay per click marketing can actually help you with the ORM process and save you a lot of time a well.

For instance, let’s say you want to rank for “your brand name” plus some negative keywords such as “reviews”, “complaints”, “feedback”.

Why You Should Use PPC Over Banner Advertising

While it would be in your best interest to try and rank for these terms organically with your own sites, you are always going to have your competition such as Yelp and other review sites ranking for these terms as well.

One way that you can get right to the top of the search results for these potentially negative search terms is through the use of ppc marketing. Since these won’t be highly sought after keywords by other advertisers, it shouldn’t cost you much money or effort to rank at the top of all negative phrases that people might be searching for to find out more about your organization.

The online reputation space is just starting to gain traction and more services are coming out everyday. Now that you have a better understanding of what online reputation management is and that it’s not entirely focused on SEO, be sure to add these other components to the overall ORM plan you have in place.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at BloggingTips.com and ZacJohnson.com, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on Amazon.com.

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