Blogging Written by 1

Everyone is always talking about how important it is to blog about your passion and do what you enjoy. The truth is you should do that, but sometimes it will be very hard to monetize your site. If you love playing basketball and watching sports, you will probably be successful in getting people to your site, but sports is one of the hardest niches to monetize.

Once example of this type of success is a stock trader turned blogger, turned internet entrepreneur, is Chris from Chris has been trading stocks for over 13 years now and has created his own stock alerts service where users can subscribe to his monthly alerts. Users will receive all stock alerts from Chris and Shortzilla, telling them when to buy and what to buy. Shortzilla users are escentially looking over Chris’ shoulder as he buys and sells stocks.

This is a perfect example of someone who has taken a something they are good at and scaled it into a full business. Sure, Chris could have continued to make a lot of money by trading stocks by himself, but by turning the process into a full service where members can sign up, this leaves an unlimited upside for increase overall business and profits.

Before creating your next business, web site or blog, be sure to consider the monetization methods and growth potential for your blog. Try to focus your efforts on something you enjoy doing, but make sure it can be scaled for profitability and turned into a real business.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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