PPC Tips Written by 0

Pay per click advertising is an extremely effective platform to promote just about anything when done correctly. A key component to the advert and landing page of a PPC campaign is the content itself. You could have the most desirable product that is flying off the shelves. However, your advert might be using the wrong content to not crucially capatalise on the fact your product is so hot and trending. The language you use in PPC is critical to the success of a PPC campaign. For this reason, here are two tips to using the right language in PPC.



Use Power Words

Power words are words in the English Dictionary that invoke strong emotions and feelings from the reader and tend to have piercing meanings to them that grabs the reader’s attention. There are three main types of power words:

  • CTR (click through rate) inducing power words – words that encourage the reader to perform an action (for the sake of this article, a click).
  • Emotional words that directly affect the reader’s emotions to connect to them on a deeper level.
  • Sensory words which describe one of the senses (seeing, hearing, touching, smelling or tasting), which helps to paint a picture in the reader’s mind – as we all know, a picture can be woth a thousand words.

For this reason, it is a great idea for PPC campaigns to take advantage of power words both in the search advert and the landing page. As a very vague rule of thumb:

  • A PPC advert can have anywhere between 1-5 power words included.
  • A PPC landing page, depending on how much content you have, can have around 3-6 power words included.

A word of warning with power words is that the more densely populated your content or advert is with power words, the more your advert will appear as ‘too good to be true’.

Enchanting Marketing created an article which goes into detail of 172+ power words, which is worth a read if you want to get an idea the types of power words you can use.



Multilingual Support – Use a Translator

Before getting into this, it is important to note that this only applies to adverts which are geo-targeting areas around the word where the primary language is something other than English.

If you have a campaign which is targeting different countries with different primary languages, then you should be providing adverts with multilingual support.

Unfortunately, what some advertisers do for this is use software to translate. As much as this does translate the advert and landing page, the translation is word-for-word which usually results in a poor translation with a lost meaning.

For this reason, it is worth hiring a translator to help you properly translate your content, so your message does not get lost in translation.

Will created Ask Will Online back in 2010 to help students revise and bloggers make money developing himself into an expert in PPC, blogging SEO, and online marketing. He now runs others websites such as Poem Analysis, Book Analysis, and Ocean Info. You can follow him @willGreeny.

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