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The world of social media and B2B marketing is quite exciting. Did you know that 86% of B2B firms are using social media as part of their marketing strategy – including Facebook and Twitter?… either way, the better question is WHY?

The infographic below is put together from a B2B perspective and how social media is being used to increase sales, reach new audiences and put the power of Twitter and Facebook to work.

  • There are over 140 million Tweets sent out every day
  • Facebook now has over 800 million active users
  • 93% of all those social media users believe companies should have a social media presence.
  • 37% of B2B buyers say they posted questions on social networking sites before purchasing to look for suggestions.
  • Small to medium B2B businesses with over 50 Twitter followers generated twice as many online leads.
  • Men are twice as likely as women to interact frequently with companies via social media.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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