PPC News Written by 0

As few years ago I was able to secure the awesome domain name of PPC.org. Once I secured the domain name, I held onto it for a bit, then I teamed up John Rampton to turn the domain into a great resource for industry news and various posts relating to everything surrounding the world of pay par click marketing.

Now with over 1,500 live blog posts and a massive amount of backlinks, authority and traffic behind the site, we feel it would be in our best interest to move this project along to a PPC agency or someone who is looking to greatly expand on the potential of the site. We both also have other projects that are currently taking up a lot of our time and can’t focus our full efforts on PPC.org.

The site is currently listed on Flippa and we have a NO RESEVE AUCTION that is running right now. This means the site will sell no matter what price it ends at.

Click HERE to view the action.

PPC ORG For Sale on Flippa

Once you visit the auction on Flippa you will see a detailed list of everything that is important to know about the site, such as backlinks, site data, monetization methods and much more.

I’ve also left a screenshot below of the PPC.org MOZ Rank and other important linking and site stats that any interested parties would like to know.

PPC Org Moz Listing

Good luck to everyone bidding and please feel free to leave your questions and comments within the Flippa auction.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at BloggingTips.com and ZacJohnson.com, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on Amazon.com.

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