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What are your first thoughts when you hear the phrase “pay per click email marketing“? It’s an interesting concept, right? Definitely one that many services have not attempting. The concept of pay per click marketing is possible through the process of creating an email service with a customized look and feel, which can be called email “wrapping”. This service is nothing new, and it’s actually already live and functional through WrapMail.com.

However, what is new, is the concept of getting paid on a pay per click basis just for using your email! Earlier this month, WrapMail announced that they would be releasing their own in-house advertising platform which would allow their 4,000+ users to be able to monetize their wrapped emails through advertising and pay per click marketing. The concept is simple… send out your emails like usual, and if anyone clicks or buys something through the links in your email, you get paid!

Here’s a snippet from the actual WrapMail press release:

WRAPmail (OTC:WRAP), a provider of free and enterprise email marketing and branding solutions, is proud to announce the implementation of an ad revenue share program for its users.

WRAPmail, who has seen significant subscriber growth, signing close to 4,000 new corporate clients in the past 12 months, now announces a revenue share program for all users. There are millions of personal and business emails sent every day. WRAPmail usage will promote themselves and their business, and by opting in to WRAPmail’s ad share program, could generate previously untapped revenues.

The initial model, open only to invited users, will give users an option to display ads from companies where WRAPmail is an affiliate, such as Amazon and GoDaddy, and share any revenue generated. WRAPmail’s goal is to roll out a PPC (Pay Per Click) model similar to Google’s AdSense program where users can opt to include others’ advertisements in their email wrap. Both the user and WRAPmail will share any revenue generated from advertisement clicks.

WRAPmail is currently evaluating whether to partner with a PPC provider or build a proprietary PPC model where advertisers can design ads, set budgets and bid for priority placement.

The basic idea behind WRAPmail is to utilize the facts that all businesses have websites and employees who send emails every day. These emails can become complete marketing tools and help promote, brand, sell and cross-sell in addition to drive traffic to the website and conduct research (all links are tracked, also reported via email in real time).

If the concept of getting paid for sending emails sounds intriguing to you, or the possibilities of reaches millions of new users through email, be sure to check out WrapMail.com.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at BloggingTips.com and ZacJohnson.com, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on Amazon.com.

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