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This process can be simply defined as the combining of data or information from different sources in to one application or single site. This best practice of mashup is to create a report that helps individuals in solving their problems and if they want to find something it makes the whole task easier. Do a little research and find a problem for which people are looking for a solution and then create a mashup to solve it.

To do this start a discussion in forums and the do keyword research using any keywords research tool and get the rough estimate of demand.  This will give you a little bit more information on which direction you should steer this.  It will also let you know what topics you should be looking for.  By doing this it will help broaden your scopes and get you even more relevant info.

To get assistance, you can hire a freelancer programmer from freelance websites such as oDesk or  These are outsourcing sites from where you can hire a programmer for this project..


The last approach to go viral is use the humor approach as humor spread promptly on the web. If your company has no problem in embracing humor then it can be a good approach. This is not as easy as it requires some serious creativeness.

For instance, if your company sells pet products. Create a report that contains a comparison of divorce rates by state with pet ownership. Maybe dog owners have more divorce rates compared to cat owners, or vice verse. I know it’s not the funniest idea but just giving you an idea how you can make a humor story. You can use your own creativeness according to the nature of your business.

You can use any approach you want as your ultimate goal is to increase your chances of success.  I have always said, the more times I try, the more times I’m going to succeed.  If you try all the time you are bound to succeed.  If you never try, you will never know if you could  have gotten a link or story or whatever.  If you never try, you will never know.  So always try and try again.  You’re going to fail on occasion no matter what you do.  Just keep on going and keep trying.

You can get all the data you need from the government resources all over the world and than you just have to use your own creative thinking to present it in the best way. You also have to try!

John Rampton is a PPC Entrepreneur, Author, Founder at Due a finance company helping small business owners. Follow me on Twitter @johnrampton

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