PPC Tips Written by 0

Today I was reading a post by Rand Fishkin on SEOmoz about making sure to incorporate Google + into your marketing strategy.  He put together a video explaining how important Google + is becoming to each and every person out there.  Especially in the online marketing world.

If you don’t have a Google + page for your business you should go set one up today.  It’s pretty important and shouldn’t be put off.  Having this will give you links in the top right hand corner of Google.  Especially when your profile is linked up with linkjuice.

You can see from this picture below that Rand put up that when you Google the term “SEO” you will see that him and Danny Sullivan from Search Engine Land are among the top people that will be seen.  This is huge.  What have they done to get here?  Basically take advantage of their Google + profiles.  They are working hard on them as I suggest that each and every person reading this post does.  It’s going to rule in the near future.

When you Google my name you will see that my Google + profile is the number one spot.  That’s Google going after the search rankings.  If you want your PPC ads to have a little more validity behind them I suggest that you beef up the online profiles that you’re pushing them with.  I am not sure right now but suspect that this will have an impact on pricing, CTR and Quality scores in the future.  Think about it from Google’s + PPC perspective.  Would you rather give a guy you trust cheaper ads or a guy that doesn’t do anything online.  Pretty sure you know which one will get the lower costs.

John Rampton is a PPC Entrepreneur, Author, Founder at Due a finance company helping small business owners. Follow me on Twitter @johnrampton

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