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Marketing is the backbone of any business operation running worldwide. Whether it is the online business or the offline operations, marketing and its related strategies play a key role in it.

In order to achieve a successful operation and running business, certain strategy building process and procedures must be kept in mind. Let’s go through a planned step by step process following for an effectual marketing strategy building process.

Step 1: Set the goal

GOAL – is known to be the ultimate target one plans to reach after following a process. It is thus, very important to decide the final target goal that needs to be achieved. Prior to implementation of a cross-channel campaign, discuss and brainstorm on the target to be set like- increase engagement rates, higher retention rates, cost reduction, increasing the positive feedback etc.

Step 2: Understanding the customers and their buying cycle

The customers are the king for any of the business operation running in the market. Thus a thorough review and understanding about them is necessary. Collect actual and necessary customer information relating to the factors like- tastes, preferences, and demographics, past purchasing history, wish-lists and other related ones. Higher information built will acknowledge higher customer communication. This will finally help in understanding their buying cycle and further make a decision on the strategy part as well.

Step 3: Marketing channels analysis

Further moving ahead, marketing channels tend to be focused then after, as they are the routes to reach and retain the customers. This step follows a hardcore review, analysis and understanding about the distribution channels being used by the consumers. This review on the internal analytics will help you understand the insight relating to the consumers usage of various channels for interaction with the brand. Bingo! This is the time when you can decide on the methods to launch your campaign for various channels, at a time.

Step 4: Implement cross-channel campaigns

As you have decided on the campaigning and marketing channels analysis, it’s high time to implement the campaigns in real time across these channels. Also, keep in mind that this process too needs a careful examination and analysis of the customers on the basis of the various stages of their purchasing cycle. Understand the ping and hit the bull’s eye with the right communication at the right time persuading them to make a buy. One can use communication sources like-newsletters, weekly blog posts, product demos, e-mailers and mobile campaigns, as per the suitability factor to build and retain a hardcore loyal customer.

Step 5: Track the process and progress

Nothing in the world can be measured or judged without the right tracking process. Thus, this step is a vital one which focuses on setting up a tracking process either through CMS (content management system) or a cross-channel marketing platform; or any other manual process that is capable enough for information collection and storage at various consumer touch-points, effectively and efficiently. You can use Cross Channel Marketing tool to track the progress of the campaign.

Step 6: Evaluation of the collected data

Using a CMS or any other auto-update database software can ease this step of data management. This step basically follows the trend of data evaluation by the marketers at various steps, including the management and track updates of the campaign as well. In case of manual works other tracking technology is needed for channel analytics review like- organic search, referral, website, social media, mobile, etc. on a periodic basis. on a timely basis and observe any change in results.

Step 7: Process Review, revision & reiteration

Once you trail through these steps all you got to do is just keep a rack on the success achievement of the campaign or marketing strategy workability standards. Review, revise and reiterate the process along with any scrutiny needed for a smooth running process.

Following these seven steps it’s very well easy to create and implement an ongoing functionally operative cross channel marketing strategy.

Michael Evans is a passionate blogger and social media enthusiastic. You can connect with him at Google. He often contributes to 3Leaps Content Marketing Agency.

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