After the news broke on GoDaddy being attacked and basically shutting down millions of web sites and domains, what will the future hold for GoDaddy and their advertising and from their competitors? With web hosting advertising costs in the world of ppc marketing always on a steady rise, will we see the big name competitors of GoDaddy use attacking words and phrases in their ad copy to sway users away from GoDaddy?This won’t be the first time that GoDaddy is in the news for a negative light. The last time GoDaddy made a stupid memorable move was when they posted pictures and video of their CEO at the time going on an . This resulted in thousands of people leaving GoDaddy. NameCheap specifically took advantage of the bad press and it resulted in 20,000 customers leaving GoDaddy and transfering their domains over to NameCheap.
Will the same thing happy this time and will other domain name registration and hosting companies take advantage of the situation again?
If you do a search for “godaddy attack” you will get a ton of news stories, but when you scroll down to the bottom of the results you also get a set of ads from GoDaddy competitors.
It’s obvious that companies are going to bid under competitor names, but it will also be interesting to see how the ppc ad copy changes over the coming days and week. Another interesting question is to see how GoDaddy’s business will fare in the coming months and years. Sure, they can continue to blow money on Superbowl ads and commercials with well known celebrities… but getting hacked and shutting down the internet for a bit might be a little too much…