It doesn’t matter if you prefer pay per click marketing, buying targeted ads on the social networks or building out your own web sites and blogs. What matters is that you are successful at what you do and can make a part or full time business out of your efforts.That is exactly what John Chow did when he started his blog at
It wasn’t meant to be one of the top 10,000 sites in the world, and he didn’t even start the site to make money with it. Originally it was just supposed to be a personal blog about what he’s eating for dinner, some of his favorite cars and the occasional post on tech news.
However, all didn’t go as planned… instead John would become one of the world’s most famous bloggers who makes money by telling his readers how he makes money blogging!
It’s quite an amazing concept and story… not one we are going to break down right now.
Instead, let’s talk about the different ways John Chow has monetized his site WITHOUT the use of pay per click marketing, and why he decided to stay away from using such methods to send paid traffic from the search engines to his blog.
Let’s get started with some of the top ways John Chow makes money from his blog.
Direct Advertising Deals
Once you have a high traffic blog and a high demand for advertisers, one of the best ways to make money is through the use of paid advertising. This can be through banner advertising and paid review posts, both of which John Chow cashes in heavily on every day. By selling his own advertising directly it means John gets 100% of the profits and doesn’t have to give a commission or percentage to other third party networks.
Collecting Emails and Building Lists
As important as the blog might seem, the power for John Chow is really in his mailing lists. Every day thousands of users submit their email to his blog to receive his free ebook. In this ebook it tells John’s story of how he makes money online and teaches others how to do the same. Within this free book he also has a funnel process being built. Not only is he building a large email list that he can contact at any time, but anyone who signs up for any of the offers within the ebook will also result in a commission for Mr. Chow.
John Likes to Make Money… Not Spend It!
Everybody knows that John makes a ton of money online, but one thing they might not know is that he also doesn’t spend much money to make it. Sure, there are some fees here and there to running one of the world’s most popular blogs, but he makes deals where he can and saves money in the process.
When it comes to paid advertising… well, there really is none. John Chow is a brand and has been mentioned so many times, there really is no need to spend money on ppc advertising in the search engines. John loves the concept of advertising, but not when it’s with his own money.
Even though he isn’t paying out money to the search engines for traffic, he does run a few affiliate programs for his sites where he pays a commission on any referred leads.
How You Can Make Money Blogging Like John Chow
John has just released his own product called “Blogging with John Chow” which is a full course on how to make your own blog and generate revenue with the same practices John has been using over the years. In addition to the videos and walk through guides, everyone who grabs the product will also receive a 30 day start up guide to help walk you through the process, then you can move on to the full blogging course which will help your blog grow over time.
To enlist in John’s blogging program, be sure to sign up at