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Any quality web site owner or blogger can appreciate the value in long tail keywords. If you can create a powerful web site that has thousands of long tail keywords working for you, it’s like winning a race and getting last place but winning the first place prize. In other words, it’s awesome!

Why are long tail keywords so important?

You probably hear people talking about long tail keywords all the time and how important they are. As great as “generic” keywords are, they are very hard to rank for and even more costly if you want to target them through pay per click marketing. Another problem with going after generic keywords is that they are no where near as targeted as long tail keywords.

For example… if you went to the search engine and typed in “pay per click marketing“… what exactly are you looking for? Your results will be skewed and all over the place. If you instead search for “pay per click management services“, the search engine knows exactly what you are looking for and so do the sites that are writing content for you.

The use of long tail keywords is nothing new, and if you are good at it your site can rank for thousands of long tails, while also bringing in much more traffic than your generic keywords ever will..

Real Examples of Long Tail Keyword Use

There are plenty of sites out there that have a main focus, then branch off into smaller long tail or niche topics from their main page. At the web site, which you can see below, the focus of the site is clear… it’s all about the many different strategies of roulette.

While the core business of the site is drive leads to other online casinos and roulette sites, the focus on this site is to provide users with the many different types of roulette winning courses out there. You can see them listed in the screenshot below (ie: d’Alembert, fibonacci, labouchere etc.). Even though these are commonly known search terms in the world of roulette, they are way less competitive to go after versus terms like “roulette” and “roulette winning systems”.

Roulette Strategy

If you were to click on any of these strategies on the site, it would open up to a new page loaded with information on that specific term. The end goal for the site is to then rank for those long tail keywords ahead of the competition.

Speaking of competition, let’s take a look at how the search volume compares against these roulette terms when using the Google Adwords tool. As mention, generic terms like roulette have over 9 million search and even with 74k and 18k for “games” and “systems” related terms, you will still have a lot of competition.

By spending the time to get creative and product quality content on your site for high value long tail keywords like “fibonacci roullete” and “fibonacci roullete winning systems”, you could be ranked #1 for the several hundred people that search these terms every month.

Roulette Long Tail Keywords

The end results and take away here is that you need to focus on the long tail keyword to generic long term traffic that continually provides your site with free and more importantly, high quality traffic to your site. These same rules can apply to pay per click advertising as well. The more focused and less generic you get, the more success and higher conversions you should continue to see.

Zac Johnson is a online marketer with 15 years of experience and also a blogger at and, as well as the author of Blogging Tips: Confessions of a Six Figure Blogger on

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