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SEO is everevolving. Keywords (KWs) are essential but targeting search phrases for the sole reason to boost rankings in the SERPs will not work anymore. Beyond achieving the top spot in the search results, KWs tell you more about web visitors, what they are looking for or struggling with today. There are many SEO hacks and therefore, you fail to understand which tactics to adopt and which to leave behind.  

According to an article published on, KWs in unique and informative content serve as building blocks to gain visibility on the web, especially small businesses. Therefore, let us read about some of the best SEO tips and tricks that you can implement for enhanced rankings in the SERPs. 

Connect with other websites that have relevant content 

Today, linking your website to other content-rich blogs is imperative for SEO success and growth. Many people think that linking to authority sites is bad because the visitors would go away from your website. No, it is not because link-building strategies are one of the essential aspects of SEO. When you link out, it helps in sending trackable traffic, thus making your business website incredibly useful and scalable. Then, you must link to pages that have valuable content, which is a good SEO tactic as well. It’s also about quality link building and not quantity. Build the trust of your targeted audience in your niche industry with a couple of authoritative and relevant links instead of loads of poor or irrelevant ones. You can check out any New York SEO company that delivers excellent results to boost the rankings of small businesses.  

Eliminate things that make your website slow 

Web page load speed is crucial in SEO. Based on the findings of Strange Loop, a one-second delay might result in seven percent loss when it comes to conversions. When your website takes more time to load, it becomes an unreliable site for your visitors. Page load speed is essential for Google as well as users. Based on the findings of a recent study, 40 percent of visitors leave a website that loads in more than three seconds. That is the reason why you need to work on your page speed because fast loading websites minimize operating expenses as well as enhance user experience.  

You can remove elements such as WordPress plugins that you do not need or clean your website’s sidebar and include only those widgets that you require.  

Write content for people and not search engines  

Even today, many marketers write blog content with too much focus on KWs instead of unique and engrossing copy. If you are doing the same, it is high time that you change your optimization strategies. Write web copy, blogs, and social media posts for your targeted audience. It is your customers, who read your content and then decides whether to buy your products or services. Search engines only index your website and they do not become loyal customers.  

Final words  

Keep these tips in mind to improve your website SEO. Adopt these strategies to see positive outcomes.  

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