The last PPC campaign I analysed in the ‘Analyse A Real PPC Campaign’ series was from Ocado, who had, on the whole, a great campaign where their search advert was well optimised for top spot of paid search results while their landing page was a good progression for the web user to land onto from reading the search advert before it. I always think the Christmas holiday rush is too early every year, with it seemingly starting as soon as Halloween finishing. Regardless of this, I thought it would be a good idea to see adverts for Christmas already. Therefore, without further ado, here is an analysis of a PPC campaign from Tiffany and Co.
To view Tiffany and Co’s PPC search advert, I had to type into Google search UK, ‘christmas gifts’:Straight away, we can see the competition for such a search phrase is very high already, considering it is just over a month away from Christmas. The maximum of four adverts are there displayed in the paid results.
For Tiffany and Co, they have top spot of these results which seemingly suggests they have either adopted a very high CPC or have a good quality score for their advert. Looking at the advert itself, I really like how they have structured it in preparation for the holiday season:
- The title includes their brand name, URL and a call to action which is, near enough, the perfect title for an advert.
- The description contains a further two call to actions along with useful information. Again, another great element in this advert.
- The site link and location extension (with their phone number next to it) is present which is exactly what is needed for this advert. The site links extension are simply there to offer the web user to ‘cut out the middle man’ and find the category of gifts they are specifically looking for. The location extension is a brilliant addition since it tells the web user Tiffany and Co are an actual shop (and not just an online retailer) – for many people, they like Christmas shopping in actual shops and not online. Therefore, by telling them the address and opening times will encourage web users to visit the shop in person.
After clicking on the above advert, I came to the following landing page:There are good and bad points to this landing page listed below:
- The cookies policy at the top of the page is not intrusive to the design of the website and will not annoy web users – I have found that some of the cookie messages at the top of web pages to be a bit too ‘attention seeking’ for which they really do not need to, just like with this landing page.
- The site link extensions used in the advert were great, where are the options for different areas of the web user such as gifts under £150 etc.? It seems to have vanished.
- The navigation menu is okay, but it does not have any dedicated section to Christmas gifts.
- But, being a shop that sells jewellery, the theme is very glamorous which will represent the products they sell better.