What’s the oldest domain name in your portfolio? I’m sure you are proud of a few of your first domain names that you may have secured back in the late 90s! I bet you didn’t know that the first domain name was Symbolics.com and was registered all the way back in March 15th, 1985. Yes, the Internet came to life for most people in the mid 90s, but it was actually in existence a full decade before then. The infographic below shows some amazing reports and information about domain names and the history which got us to where we are today, 27 years of domain names later.
- Some of the most valuable domains names over the years: Insure.com, Sex.com, Fund.com, Porn.com and Business.com
Special thanks to Statista for the infographic.
April 2, 2012 at 7:46 pm
interesting to know that .de was more popular than .org