No matter what is your preferred method for advertising online there are always going to be some deadly sins you will want to avoid. In the world of link building there seems to be an endless list of sins thanks to the latest changes from Google. When promoting affiliate offers on ad networks there are plenty of sins and guidelines that can get your earnings and accounts terminated right away. When it comes to pay per click marketing there is no exception.
In a recent article titled “The Deadliest Pay Per Click Sins“, Business2Community goes into some great detail on the must follow and avoid topics for pay per click marketers to pay attention to. Let’s take a look at their quick list of topics covered and a few words of wisdom from as well.1. Overuse of broad match keywords
2. Not setting up proper conversion tracking
3. Not using reports
4. Ignoring the importance of landing pages
5. Not taking advantage of ad extensions
6. Not having clear aims
Some of the clear sins in this list from an online marketers point of view is definitely the landing pages and the reports points. Landing pages can drastically increase the ROI and overall conversions for your ad campaigns. It’s all about building landing pages and offers that are specifically for your target audience. If you are sending all of your traffic to the same landing pages, you are missing out big time. There is a reason why the major search engines provide you with pixel tracking, and that is so you can track what is working best and improve your overall profits and spending.
Speaking of tracking your progress, if you don’t know how much each of your keywords ad spend and profits are, then you are already losing. You should be able to pull reports at any given time on the profit or loss that you are having for specific keywords, landing pages and ad campaigns.
For the rest of the deadly sins of pay per click marketing, be sure to read the full article over at Business2Community.
September 8, 2012 at 5:37 am
I think tracking is the most important. once you get the stats on most converting keywords, then just put more traffic to them and watch the money roll in