tag "mobile marketing"

Zuckerberg Talks Mobile Strategy Is HUGE – Liveblogging

Zuckerberg Talks Mobile Strategy Is HUGE – Liveblogging Mark Zuckerberg is live today at TCDisrupt.  We are live-blogging during the conference.  Zuckerberg Talks all about Mobile Strategy.  We are here live-blogging during the whole conference.  This is his first interview since taking Facebook public. Went public, lost half value – if you could have done anything ...

How To Grow Your Small Business Using Mobile Media Marketing?

How To Grow Your Small Business Using Mobile Media Marketing? How To Grow Your Small Business Using Mobile Media Marketing? Despite the fact that it is a comparatively new form of advertising, professionals agree with the fact that mobile media marketing is the advertising and marketing of the future. In this challenging economy, if you desire to enhance your business’ possibilities ...

How to Use Mobile PPC to Grow Your Business

How to Use Mobile PPC to Grow Your Business I was reading recently that Google saw an estimate of around $2.5 billion in mobile ad revenues last year, and that it is likely to see more than double that amount, at $5.8 billion in revenue this year. By reading that, I was surprised at how much PPC advertisers are losing just by not having a mobile marketing plan, and I was ...

5 Benefits of Mobile PPC You Should Ttake Note Of

5 Benefits of Mobile PPC You Should Ttake Note Of You’re into PPC marketing, you read top PPC blogs like this one every day for tips and insights on growing your business with PPC marketing, and you’re always open to new ideas that can help you grow. I have good news for you, because I’m here to give you one of those tips that can help your business grow. It is Mobile ...

7 Things You Should Know about Effective Mobile Marketing

7 Things You Should Know about Effective Mobile Marketing With over 6 billion mobile phones worldwide and over 1.2 billion active mobile broadband subscriptions worldwide, the importance of tailoring your marketing towards the mobile audience shouldn’t be underestimated. One of the reasons you’re reading this blog right now is because you want the best marketing tips, and since ...

The Numbers Behind Mobile Marketing

The Numbers Behind Mobile Marketing Everyone knows that the future of marketing is through mobile, but there are still so many people who aren’t taking advantage of it. Hopefully this infographic will help you better understand the power of marketing through mobile devices. Do people actually like offers on their mobile phones? 65% say YES, while 29% say ...

Three Pay Per Click Driven Methods to Make Money in the New Year

Three Pay Per Click Driven Methods to Make Money in the New Year With a new year on the horizon, there are plenty of ways for you to start making money. If you are tired with your current revenue generation paths, then it may be time for a change and to try something new. Since it’s a new year and many people are looking to make resolutions and change the way they do business and run ...